
Get information from a Temperature Sensor to an Arduino and presented to an ELK (ElasticSearch Stack) from my GITHUB

*Goal: Retrieve water temperature from my solar tank and inject the data into my ELK Stack


  • Arduino - ESP8266 (compatible) but in reality is: NodeMCU CP2102


Where to buy: -> I bought mine from Aliexpress.

  • Temperature Sensor - DS18B20


Where to buy:

*Step 1: Get the electronic diagram

Electronic Diagram

and mount your one version of it:

First version

*Step 2: Get the Arduino code

I created a Webserver that will show the temperature from the sensor. There is bug that sometimes the output of the sensor gives 85 degrees or -127 degrees. For this reason I’ve added an extra validation before showing the result.

Wifi Web Server Water Sensor Arduino code

*Step 3: Make it work

As soon as you start it it will create a web server that is connected to your network and add a static page with the current temperature. Web Server Printscreen

Serial testing it:


*Step 4: Because it is working, lets clean our hardware

Version 2 of our solution

Second Version

Final Version of our solution - inside a platic protection (home made :D )

Final Version

*Step 5: Get it installed

Solution mounted

*Step 6: Get the data into a log/event file

Now that we have our webserver working, we need to get the data and every minute send it to our central ELK system. For that reason, I created this simple bash script that retrieves just the temperature and stores it in a event log file that will be consumed by our ELK.

*Step 7: Add a new source from ELK

Now that we have the event/log file, we need to inject it to our ELK (ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana stack).

*Step 8: Create a Dashboard

After ensuring the creating of the index, create a dashboard like this:

Final Kibana Dashboard

Final Note:

I want to thank all the guys that detailed information on the Internet but specially to the ones that created the following sites, this allowed me to learn: