Howto use OpenVAS/GVM in Docker
My first vulnerability within Microsoft with $$$
How to get Water Solar Temperature using Arduino to ELK Stack (ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana) - here is how…
How to Enemy Territory working in Mac OS - Catalina
During a conversation with a student from Aveiro, I had the urge to create a mind map with the fields/domains in CyberSecurity that I could remember.
Here is it, hope it helps.
How to get status information from a Solax Solar Panel to ELK Stack (ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana) - here is how…
Admin rights, everyone gets Admin rights! by Pedro Tarrinho This presentation took place in OPOSEC in 2018 and was originated in a talk that I gave at IPVC (Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo)
The end of Password - authentication with QR Codes securely
With all the technology that we have today … that we can have privacy while online (Internet) ? - read this in Portuguese
Society need to think the way it looks to cybersecurity. The idea of an 100% secure system is an utopia, however, we shouldn’t stop looking for ways to improve our security